
Zhong Research Group

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35. S. Schachermeyer, J. Ashby, W. Zhong*. Advancements in Field Flow Fractionation for the Analysis of Biomolecules: Instrument Design, Miniaturization, and Hyphenation. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2012, 404, 1151-1158. (Invited Trend Article)

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Pre One:36. S. Schachermeyer, W. Zhong*. Chapter 9: Flow Field Flow Fractionation: Analysis of Biomolecules and Their Complexes. Field-Flow Fractionation in Biopolymer Analysis. (Editors: Karin D. Caldwell & Kim R. Williams) Springer, New York, USA, 2012, 127-138.

Next One:34. S. Schachermeyer, J. Ashby, M. Kwon, W. Zhong*. Impact of Carrier Fluid Composition on Recovery of Nanoparticles and Proteins in Flow Field Flow Fractionation. Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1264, 72-79.