
Zhong Research Group

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Pre One:56. Y. Wang, J. Liu, G. B. Adkins, W. Shen, M. P. Trinh, L. Duan, J. Jiang, W. Zhong*. Enhancement of the Intrinsic Peroxidase-Like Activity of Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets by ssDNAs and Its Application for Detection of Exosomes. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 12327-12333.

Next One:55. Y. Liu, L. Perez, M. Mettry, C. J. Easley, R. J. Hooley* and W. Zhong*. A Self-Aggregating Deep Cavitand Acts as a Fluorescence Displacement Sensor for Lysine Methylation. Journal of American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 10746-9.