
Zhong Research Group

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61. X. Fang, Y. Duan, Y. Liu, G. Adkins, W. Zang, W. Zhong, L. Qiao*, B. Liu*. Photochemical Bionanoreactor for Efficient Visible-Light-Driven in Vitro Drug Metabolism. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 7365–7372.

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Pre One:62. Y. Wang, J. Liu, J.-H. Jiang,* and W. Zhong*. Cobalt Oxyhydroxide Nanoflakes with Intrinsic Peroxidase Catalytic Activity and Its Application to Blood Glucose Detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 409, 4225-4232.

Next One:60. Y. Liu, L. Perez, M. Mettry, A. D. Gill, G. J. O. Beran, R. J. Hooley*, and W. Zhong*. Site-Selective Sensing of Histone Demethylase Activity with an Arrayed Deep Cavitand Fluorescence Displacement Assay. Journal of American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 10964–10967.