
Zhong Research Group

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71. Y. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Sedano, Q. Jiang, Y. Duan, W. Shen, J. Jiang, W. Zhong*. Encapsulation of Ionic Nanoparticle Produces Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)-Responsive Microgel Useful for Molecular Detection. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 4329-4332.

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:72. X. Fang, Y. Duan, G. B. Adkins, S. Pan, H. Wang, Y. Liu, W. Zhong*. Highly Efficient Exosome Isolation and Protein Analysis by an Integrated Nanomaterial-Based Platform. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90, 4, 2787-2795.

Next One:70. J. Y. Lee, H. Wang, G. Pyrgiotakis, G. M. DeLoid, Z. Zhang, J. Beltran-Huarac, P. Demokritou, W. Zhong*. Analysis of lipid adsorption on nanoparticles by nanoflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2018, 410, 6155-6164. (Invited Research Article)