
Zhong Research Group

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104. R. Coreas, C. Castillo, Z. Li, D. Yan, Z. Gao, J. Chen, D. Bitounis, D. Parviz, M. S. Strano, P. Demokritou, W. Zhong*. Biological Impacts of Reduced Graphene Oxide Affected by Protein Corona Formation. Chem. Res. Toxicol., 2022, 35, 7, 1244–1256.

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:105. J. Chen, R. J. Hooley* & W. Zhong*. Applications of Synthetic Receptors in Bioanalysis and Drug Transport. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2022, 33, 12, 2245–2253.

Next One:103. M. Cao, R. Isaac, W. Yan, X. Ruan, L. Jiang, Y. Wan, J. Wang, E. Wang, C. Caron, S. Neben, D. Drygin, et al, W. Zhong, W. Ying, J. D. Bui, S. E. Wang*. Cancer-cell-secreted extracellular vesicles suppress insulin secretion through miR-122 to impair systemic glucose homeostasis and contribute to tumour growth. Nature Cell Biology, 2022, 24, 954–967.