团队研究成果在Industrial Management and Data Systems发表

近日,本实验室研究团队在管理学知名国际期刊Industrial Management and Data Systems上发表了题为“Environmental performance of servitized manufacturing firms: the (mis)alignment between servitization strategies and inter-organizational information technology capabilities”的学术论文(详见以下题录)。该论文的第一作者为中国科学技术大学管理学院硕士研究生张明华,通讯作者为中国科学技术大学国际金融院陈猛副研究员。该期刊属于ABS 2星高质量学术期刊,也是SSCI一区期刊,其2022年影响因子为4.803。
Title: Environmental performance of servitized manufacturing firms: The (mis)alignment between servitization strategies and inter-organizational IT capabilities
Author: Minghua Zhang, Meng Chen*, Mengru Zhang, Hefu Liu
Journal: Industrial Management & Data Systems
Acknowledgements: This study is funded by grants from the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFB1601401) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (72001155 and 71971202).