
Title: The Effects of Authentication Technology on Healthy Consumption: Empirical Evidence from Neuro and Behavioral Experiments
Abstract: Digitalization and AI continue to transform how we interact with technology in everyday life. Advances in technologies such as facial recognition, mobile payments, IoT, and AI have spurred the rapid growth of intelligent self-service and unmanned retail. During the process of unmanned shopping, the authentication method is critical as the first and foremost step. However, it remains unclear how distinct authentication technologies (i.e., QR code vs. facial) impact consumer behaviors, particularly in terms of healthy consumption. Drawing on self-awareness theory, the current research proposes that using facial recognition (vs. QR code) technology promotes healthier food choices among consumers, with private self-awareness playing a mediating role. An Event-related Potentials experiment and five behavioral experiments provide stringent evidence to support our theorizing. Our research provides both theoretical and practical implications for smart services and healthy behaviors, contributing to a deeper understanding of consumer decision-making in the context of smart services.
简介:彭希羡,浙江大学管理学院博士生导师。研究兴趣包括人智交互、社交商务等。相关研究成果发表于Information Systems Research,Decision Support Systems, Journal of the Interactive Marketing, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,Computers in Human Behavior等期刊上。