Physical Review Applied
Hybrid magnonic systems host a variety of characteristic phenomena such as the magnetically induced transparency (MIT) and Purcell effect, which are considered useful for future coherent quantuminformation processing. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate a tunable MIT effect in the Y3Fe5O12(YIG)/Permalloy(Py) magnon-magnon coupled system via changing the magnetic field orientations. By probing the magneto-optic effects of Py and YIG thin films, we identify clear features of MIT spectra induced by the mode hybridization between the uniform mode of Py and the perpendicular standing spin-wave modes of YIG. By changing the external magnetic field orientations, we observe a tunable coupling strength between the YIG’s spin-wave modes and the Py’s uniform mode, upon the application of an out-of-plane magnetic field. This observation is theoretically interpreted by a geometrical consideration of the Py and YIG magnetization under the oblique magnetic field even at a constant interfacial exchange coupling. Our findings show high promise for investigating tunable coherent phenomena with hybrid magnonic platforms.
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