
案例名称: 普鲁狮的成长之路:平台赋能的渠道整合 译名: Preusz's Growth Path: Platform Empowered Channel Integration 案例作者: 刘和福,张卓群,王啸天,陈猛,王薇 作者单位: 中国科学技术大学 案例企业名称: 浙江省普鲁狮电子科技有限公司 行业: 仪器、仪表工业 规模: 中小型 案例涉及的职能领域: 营销部门/资本运营部门 案例语种: 中文 案例正文页数(页): 8 页 案例类型: 描述型 中文关键词: 渠道整合;平台赋能;普鲁狮 英文关键词: Channel integration; Platform Empowerment; Preusz 中文摘要: 随着互联网经济蓬勃发展,许多传统制造企业面临着线下营销渠道发展受阻的窘境。如何通过开发线上渠道,实现线下渠道和线上渠道的协同,成为制造企业亟待解决的问题。本案例以普鲁狮企业利用互联网平台开拓线上渠道,整合线上线下渠道来突破企业发展瓶颈的故事为主线,描述传统制造企业在互联网平台赋能下推动渠道整合,实现线上线下渠道协同发展的历程。案例旨在帮助学员了解制造行业发展所面临的渠道管理困境,引导学员思考如何利用互联网平台实现企业的线上线下渠道协同发展,掌握渠道整合的相关理论,提高学员的理论概括能力与实践问题解决能力。 英文摘要: With the booming of the Internet economy, many traditional manufacturing firms are facing the difficulties of exploiting offline marketing channels. How to develop online channels and achieve offline-online integration has become a pressing issue for manufacturing firms. This case study focuses on how Preusz leverages Internet platform to develop online channels and integrate offline and online channels to break through the bottleneck of enterprise development. It describes how traditional manufacturing firms promote channel coordination and achieve offline-online channel integration under platform empowerment. This case study aims to help students understand the challenges faced by the manufacturing firms in terms of channel management, guide them to think about how to use the Internet platform to achieve offline-online channel integration, master related theories of channel integration, and improve their ability to summarize theoretical knowledge and solve practical problems. 适用对象: 经营管理人员,本科生,硕士生,工商管理硕士(MBA), 编写方式: 采编/一手资料编写 案例年代: 2022 适用课程: 《市场营销》、《渠道管理》 案例涉及理论知识: 渠道功能;渠道结构;渠道整合;渠道协同 案例入库时间: 2024-08 案例链接: 点击查看