Physical Review B
The search for topological magnetism in two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials is one of the hot topics in spintronics. We present comprehensive studies of magnetic phases in a series of Janus monolayers MnX Z (MnAsBr, MnAsI, MnPBr, and MnPCl) and CrY Z (Y = Se, Te; and Z = Cl, Br, I) via combining first-principles calculations and atomistic spin model simulations. Sizable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction can be realized in the MnX Z and CrY Z monolayers due to their intrinsic inversion symmetry breaking. More interestingly, the MnX Z and CrY Z monolayers exhibit different degrees of magnetic frustration and isotropic higher-order interactions. Lastly, our atomistic spin model simulations demonstrate that a variety of topological spin textures can be generated by the interplay among complex magnetic interactions. These results provide valuable information and fundamental understanding for topological magnetism in 2D magnets.
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