Physical Review Applied
Spin-orbit-torque (SOT) switching is a potentially energy-efficient mechanism by which electrical current can control magnetization. We demonstrate room-temperature SOT switching in nanometer-thick Co Fe B/Sr Ir O 3 bilayers despite the amorphous nature of CoFeB and the interface. This behavior is attributed to the large spin Hall angle in Sr Ir O 3 as well as high spin transmission at the interface that contribute to the SOT efficiency ξ SOT. Our bilayers exhibit large ξ SOT of up to 1.4 and effective spin Hall conductivity of 0.9× 10 5 (ℏ/2e) Ω− 1 m− 1. In our bilayers, we observe unidirectional magnetoresistance and current-induced magnetization switching with a low critical current density of 1.38× 10 10 A/m 2 at room temperature. Our results are promising for heterostructures combining technologically relevant CoFeB with high spin-orbit-coupling oxides.
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